Remember that childhood passion for singing? The one that had you belting out tunes in the shower, car, or anywhere else your voice could reach?  Maybe it fizzled out somewhere along the line. Perhaps it was the pressure to be perfect, the fear of judgement, or the overwhelming sense of competition that choked the joy out of it. Here’s the truth: competition can be a double-edged sword. While it can push us to improve, it can also extinguish the very flame of passion that ignited our love for singing in the first place.

We believe learning should be a journey of exploration, not a race to the finish line. It’s about enjoying the process, not fixating on the destination. Now, you can ditch the pressure of competition and focus on the one person who matters most: yourself. As the saying goes, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”  And the only singer you truly need to compete with is the one you were yesterday. 

Saregama has created a perfect app for people who want to learn how to sing. This new app, Padhanisa, aims to be a supportive singing coach for those who enjoy singing but might have felt unsure about learning because of a lack of resources or fear of criticism.

Padhanisa App offers a plethora of features designed to nurture your inner singer.

Here are some of the ways it helps you unlock your vocal potential:

Find Your Perfect Pitch: No more wondering what songs suit your voice best. Padhanisa  analyses your vocal range and recommends songs that complement your natural abilities. 

Your Time, Your Tempo: Forget rigid schedules and missed classes! With Padhanisa, you can learn anytime, anywhere. Start and finish your practice sessions at your own convenience, fitting them seamlessly into your busy life.

Personalised Learning: No two voices are alike. Padhanisa’s AI technology tailors your learning experience based on your previous performances. It identifies areas needing improvement and focuses on strengthening your weaknesses while building on your strengths.

Master the Fundamentals: Padhanisa breaks down the learning process into manageable components like Mukhas, Harkat, Murki, Meend, Khatkas, and Antaras, the building blocks of Indian classical singing. 

Instant Feedback: Padhanisa provides immediate analysis of your singing, allowing you to refine your technique in real-time.

Practice Makes Perfect: With Padhanisa, you can practise without hesitation. Repeat challenging sections as many times as you need until you get them right. After all, the only person you should be trying to outdo is the singer you were yesterday. 

Expert Guidance: While AI in Padhanisa provides a strong foundation, the option for additional guidance for those seeking an extra boost is still available. The app allows you to book sessions with experienced vocal coaches. These mentors can clarify doubts, provide personalised training, and help you take your singing to the next level.

Now you can learn to sing at your own pace without the fear of embarrassment or competition. At Saregama, we’re passionate about empowering aspiring singers to find their voices. That’s why we created Padhanisa, a comprehensive music-learning app designed to make your singing journey enjoyable and enriching. Padhanisa provides all the features mentioned above, and more! 

What truly sets Padhanisa apart is its unique talent hunt feature. Here’s your chance to showcase the singer within you. Once you’ve perfected your performance, it’s time to share your talent with the world. The app’s easy-to-use interface allows for seamless submission of your singing video. A dedicated team of music industry experts at Saregama will go through the submitted recording. If your talent impresses the judges, you get a life-changing opportunity to sing with Saregama! Padhanisa recognises that talent deserves a platform, and this feature is your chance to bridge the gap between aspiring singers and industry recognition. 

Find Your Voice, Find Your Joy!

Learning to sing shouldn’t be a nerve-wracking competition. It should be a liberating exploration of your own voice. With Padhnisha, you can finally shed the fear of competition and focus on what truly matters – rediscovering the joy of singing and expressing yourself through music. Download the Padhanisa app today, hone your vocal skills, and record that winning entry. With Padhanisa by your side, your singing journey could take a star turn – all without the pressure of cutthroat competition!