


Despite his ambitions to make it big, Beni is still stuck in the hills, bitter and hurt, struggling to make ends meet by teaching music and singing in clubs. Jyotsna, his estranged student and now a Bollywood singer, left the hills 8 years ago. The town is abuzz with the news of Jyotsna's return to perform at a music concert. Beni has to come to terms with the pains of the past and the delusions of the present to deal with both, Jyotsna's presence in the hills and in his life.


Director's Bio

Sarthak Dasgupta is an engineer, MBA and a singer turned filmmaker. Besides his debut feature, "The Great Indian Butterfly", which he wrote and directed, he has written and directed a number of shows for the Indian Television industry. The screenplay of 'Music Teacher' won him the prestigious Mahindra-Sundance Global Filmmaker Award in 2013.