Anweshippin Kandethum
Anweshippin Kandethum
Anweshippin Kandethum Anweshippin Kandethum
Anweshippin Kandethum Anweshippin Kandethum Anweshippin Kandethum


Anand Narayanan, an uncompromising and determined young cop, takes charge at Chingavanam Police Station with a fervent commitment to justice. His resolve is tested when a series of distressing incidents unfold with the sudden disappearance of a young girl. Anand's unyielding pursuit of the truth leads him to uncover a heinous crime that shocks the community. However, his relentless pursuit of justice brings grim consequences. An unexpected chance at redemption emerges in the form of a long-forgotten murder case. As Anand and his team delve into the dark secrets of the past, they uncover a web of deceit and betrayal. As all pieces of the puzzle fall into place, will Anand regain the lost honor he is fervently pursuing?

Anweshippin Kandethum

Director's Bio

Darwin Kuriakose is a debutant director, having previously worked as a producer on films such as Kaapa, starring Prithviraj.